LOWR Lower unit6-55 69J3D11ShimmingNOTE:• Shimming is not required when assemblingthe original lower case and inner parts.• Shimming is required when assembling theoriginal inner parts and a new lower case.• Shimming is required when replacing theinner part(s).Selecting the pinion shims1. Install the drive shaft 1 to the shimmingtools.NOTE:• Select the shim thickness (T3) by using thespecified measurement(s) and the calcula-tion formula.• Install the shimming tool to the drive shaftso that the shaft is at the center of the hole.• Tighten the wing nuts another 1/4 of a turnafter they contact the fixing plate 2.2. Install the pinion and pinion nut, and thentighten the nut to the specified torque.3. Measure the distance (M4) between theshimming tool and the pinion as shown.4. Turn the thrust bearing 5 two or threetimes to seat the drive shaft housing 6,and then measure the housing height(M3) as shown.NOTE:Measure the thrust bearing at three points tofind the height average.Pinion height gauge 3:90890-06702T R..Pinion nut:142 N·m (14.2 kgf·m, 103 ft·lb)Digital caliper 4: 90890-06704