GENINFO General information1-31 69J3D11Checking the cooling water pilothole1. Check that cooling water is dischargedfrom the cooling water pilot hole.Test run1. Start the engine, and then check that thegearshift operates smoothly.2. Check the engine idle speed after theengine has been warmed up.3. Operate at trolling speed.4. Run the outboard motor for one hour at2,000 r/min or at half throttle, then foranother hour at 3,000 r/min or at 3/4throttle.5. Check that the outboard motor does nottilt up when shifting into reverse and thatwater does not flow in over the transom.NOTE:The test run is part of the break-in operation.Break-inDuring the test run, perform the break-inoperation in the following three stages.1. One hour a at 2,000 r/min or at approxi-mately half throttle.2. One hour b at 3,000 r/min or 3/4 throttleand one minute out of every ten at fullthrottle.3. Eight hours c at any speed, however,avoid running at full speed for more thanfive minutes.È HourAfter test run1. Check for water in the gear oil.2. Check for fuel leakage in the cowling.3. After a test run and while the engine is atidle, flush the cooling water passage withfresh water using the flushing kit.S69J1230S69J12400 1 2 10