POWR Power unit5-57 69J3D116. Install half of the bearings 9 into the cyl-inder block 0.7. Insert the projection f of the bearing intothe notch in the cylinder block.NOTE:Install the main bearings in their original posi-tions.8. Set the crankshaft A, and oil seal B,and thrust bearings C into the cylinderblock as shown.NOTE:Apply engine oil to the inner oil seal and thethrust bearings before installation.9. Install half of the bearings D and thethrust bearing E into the crankcase.NOTE:Install the main bearings in their original posi-tions.10. Apply Gasket Maker® to the mating sur-face of the crankcase.11. Insert the projection g of the bearing intothe notch in the crankcase.NOTE:Do not get any Gasket Maker on the journalbearings.12. Install the crankcase onto the cylinderblock, and then tighten the crankcasebolts to the specified torques in twostages and in the sequence shown.CAUTION:Crankcase bolts 1–F can be reused fivetimes.S69J5F10E