Position and Rotation AdjustmentOCR Type A2306 ā 116.3 Setting a Position/Rotation Adjustment Checker6.3 Setting a Position/Rotation Adjustment CheckerThe only time that it is possible for you to select the type for a Position/RotationAdjustment checker is when you are creating a new one. If a checker has already beenset for the number that you select, either select a new number or delete the checker setfor the selected number and perform the settings again.6.3.1 Setting a Position Adjustment Checker that uses Gray Scale EdgeDetectionThis explains how to use a Gray Scale Edge checker as an adjustment checker.If you are unfamiliar with the operation of Gray Scale Edge checkers, read chapter 10(Gray Scale Edge Checkers). You can set horizontal and vertical checkers, and it ispossible to use them for adjustment on their own or together. When using vertical andhorizontal checkers together, you can specify which checker has priority.Procedure:1. Select the Position/Rotation Adjustment checker number.TYPE[ 1] :2. MATCHING1. GRAY EDGE DETECTION[1] POS.ROT. ADJ.No. 12. Select GRAY EDGE DETECTION.[1] POS. ROT. ADJNo. 11. GRAY EDGE DETECTION11. Pos. Adj.12. Hor. Det. Rot. Adj.13. Ver. Det. Rot. Adj.