Inspection Results and OutputOCR Type A23013 − 1713.3 Numerical Calculation13.3.3 Restrictions Applying to Numerical CalculationsCalculation OrderIf a division is used in a calculation programme, there is sometimes a remainder, andin that case, the digits after the decimal point are discarded. This rounding−off is donenot only when all the calculations are finished, but also during the calculation, inaccordance with the priority order for arithmetical calculations. Therefore, if a divisionis to be carried out in the course of calculation, try to put this programme last if at allpossible. Compare the results of the two examples below.Example:1: CA05=CA01/2*100 (when CA01 = 3)CA01/2 = 3/2 = 1.5Since the decimal parts of numbers are discarded, 1.5becomes 1.CA01/2 × 100 = 1 × 100 = 100Therefore the result of this calculation is CA05 = 100.2: CA05=CA01*100/2 (when CA01 = 3)CA01 × 100 = 3 × 100 = 300CA01 × 100 / 2 = 300 / 2 = 150.Therefore the result of this calculation is CA05 = 150.Number of Digits in Numerical CalculationsNumerical calculations can operate on numbers in the range –2147483648 to2147483647.Constants can be specified in the range –65535 to 65535.If an overflow (if the number exceeds the permissible range) occurs during calculation,an error output is output from the parallel port at that point.If the final result of numerical calculation is outside the range –2147483648 to2147483647, then an error output is output from the parallel port.In either of these cases the result of calculation is “0”.If the results of calculation are output through the serial interface, they are output as theerror output “e”.Division by ZeroIf the denominator in a division is “0”, or if it references a value of “0”, then the outputof calculation is “0”, but an error output is output from the parallel port at the same time.If the results of calculation are output through the serial interface, they are output as theerror output “e”.Order of Use of CA Registers (numerical calculation registers)If the result of a calculation in a CA register is to be used by another CA register, theregister being used needs to be set earlier than the register using it. (Calculations onCA registers are carried out in ascending order of register number.)