Character Verification CheckerOCR Type A2308 − 38.1 About the Character Verification Checker8.1 About the Character Verification Checker2. Checker Character Select CameraChecker Setting AreaSegmentation ColorSegment Area Min.Background ProcessNoise Reduction(background process onlywhen running)SmartMatchingCondition22. Char. VerifSub. Det. AreaSub. Det. JudgmentPos. Rot. Adj. GroupResultCopy CheckerDelete CheckerSearch AreaPositioningCor. Min.Template ContrastPattern (Same as for “character”)Registered ImageRotation AngleDelta AngleThresholdFilterUsing the Character Verification function, it is possible to extract information such aspart numbers and lot numbers and verify their correctness. It is also possible to checkquantities and quality of marking (defects and tone). There are two types of characterinspection; you can inspect the characters one at a time, or perform pattern inspectionand inspect multiple characters at one time. Choose the method most appropriate foryour application.Up to 16 Character Verification checkers can be used with each product type.Character inspectionInspection targetPattern inspectionInspect Inspect InspectInspect