Communications (Serial and Parallel)OCR Type A23016 − 916.2 Communication Settings16.2.3 RS232CSet the RS232C parameters in order to use serial communication.424. Parity None422. Length 8423. Stop Bit 2425. Flow Control None42. RS232C421. Baudrate (bps) 9600421. Baud rate (bps)Select the transmission speed for communications (bps).There are 8 transmission speeds available: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200.422. LengthSelect the number of data bits in each byte (either 7 or 8).NoteSome computers do not support transmission speeds of19200bps or greater (in some cases, communication will notwork despite the fact that the settings are available).