Inspection Results and Output OCR Type A23013 − 1213.3 Numerical CalculationAtan, Root, DistanceAtan is denoted by “@” and root is denoted by “$”. Atan and root can be utilized incalculations using ordinary calculation methods.Parts of a programme enclosed in brackets are evaluated with priority over the rest ofthe calculation.For example, in the programme $ (CA01+CA02), the part in the brackets is evaluatedfirst.Example: The two coordinates of the locations in the diagram detected bya gray scale edge checker can be used with the Root ($), Distance(T) and Atan (@) functions to calculate the angle (θ) and thelength of each side.(X1, Y1)(X2, Y2)abcθSide a: CA01 = X2 – X1Side b: CA02 = Y2 – Y1Side c: Using the Root ($) function:CA03 = $(CA01*CA01 + CA02*CA02) (Pythagoras’stheorem)Using the Distance (T) function:CA03 = CA01TCA02In both cases, the result is output multiplied by 10000.Angle θ: CA04 = @(CA02*10000/CA01)In the case of the Atan formula, the input is multipliedby 10000, and the result is output multiplied by 100.abcθPythagoras’s theoremc 2 = a 2 + b 2c = (a 2 + b 2 )TrigonometryAngle θ = tan−1 (b/a)