Communications (Serial and Parallel) OCR Type A23016 − 5216.9 Switching the Display Camera16.9.4 Using Parallel Input to Switch the Display CameraParallel port in Easy ModeData input port IN7 = Timing for switching the display cameraData output port READY = Ready signalData output port ERROR = Error flagTiming chart for camera switching in Easy Mode/READY/IN7/ERRORONOFFOFFREADY signalCameraswitch inputERROR signalONOFF(A)(B) (C)(A): With the READY signal on, input IN7 from the external device.(B): The falling edge (off to on) of IN7 is detected, and the READY signal goes off.(C): After the camera has switched, the READY signal goes on (if a display switch erroris generated, the ERROR flag goes on at the same time as the READY signal).