Gray Scale Window CheckersOCR Type A23012 ā 312.1 Gray Scale Window Checkers12.1 Gray Scale Window CheckersGray scale window checkers are used for calculating the average value for gray scalebrightness data within an area.You can set up to 32 checkers per type for the A220, and up to 16 per type for the A100.Area shapes and mask shapes can be either square, circular, or polygonal.12.1.1 Menu Screen6No. (Checker No.)Set the number of the gray scale window checker to be created.1. Select cameraSelect which camera (A or B) will supply the image on which the gray scale windowchecker is to be activated.2. Checker SettingCreate the check area and set parameters, etc.3. Average JudgmentIf the average gray scale value in the inspection area is within the upper and lowerlimits it is judged to be OK (= 1). The limits for average gray scale value judgmentcan be set in the range 0 to 255.The judgment results and average gray scale value value are displayed in theupper right portion of the screen.