Useful Functions OCR Type A23015 − 815.2 Executing a Group Move6. Press ENTER to complete the group move.NotesAll results are cleared for checkers which have been groupmoved.Since the position the checkers are moved to becomes theexecution position for the next inspection, the amount ofadjustment may prevent a checker from being set within thescreen. (A situation where the setting position cannot be setwithin the screen.) In this situation, an “Position is out ofimage range.” error message is displayed.If this error occurs after a group move when several checkershave been moved at once, the move is canceled for allcheckers and they return to their positions before the move.When A is pressed to execute a group move, in some casesan error message is displayed and the move does not occur.− When the checkers being moved are adjusted by a positionand rotation adjuster to that the X−coordinate is outside therange 0 to 511, or the Y−coordinate is outside the range 0 to479.− When the mask areas for the checkers being moved areadjusted by a position and rotation adjuster to that theX−coordinate is outside the range –511 to 1022, or theY−coordinate is outside the range –479 to 958.− When the checkers to be moved are adjusted by a positionand rotation adjuster, and that position and rotationadjuster has generated an error.− When no checkers exist for the specified position androtation adjuster group.