Position and Rotation AdjustmentOCR Type A2306 ā 276.3 Setting a Position/Rotation Adjustment Checker6.3.5 Setting One Checker Rotation Adjustment and Two CheckerRotation Adjustment that uses MatchingThis explains how to use a Matching checker for adjustment.If you are unfamiliar with the operation of Matching checkers, read 8 Smart Matching.One Checker Rotation Adjustment uses one checker, and Two Checker RotationAdjustment uses two checkers. With Two Checker Rotation Adjustment there are twotypes of checker settings, but the setting method for each is the same as that for OneChecker Rotation Adjustment.Procedure:1. Select the Position/Rotation Adjustment checker number.TYPE[ 1] :1. GRAY EDGE DETECTION[1] POS.ROT. ADJ.No. 12. MATCHING2. Select MATCHING.[1] POS. ROT. ADJ.No. 124. Two Chkr. Rot. Adj.21. One Chkr. Pos. Adj.2. MATCHING22. Theta Rot. Adj.23. One Chkr. Rot. Adj.