POWR Power unit5-5 67C3K117. Remove the timing belt 3 from thedriven sprocket, and then remove it fromthe drive sprocket.CAUTION:Unless directed to do so in the followinginstructions, do not turn the drivesprocket or driven sprocket when the tim-ing belt is not installed. Otherwise the pis-tons and valves will collide with eachother and be damaged.8. Install a new timing belt 4 onto the drivesprocket, and then install it onto thedriven sprocket so that the part numbere on the belt is in the upright position.CAUTION:• Do not twist, turn inside out, or bend thetiming belt beyond the maximum limit of25 mm (1.0 in), otherwise it can be dam-aged.• Do not get oil or grease on the timingbelt.NOTE:Before installing the timing belt, make surethat the notch on the drive sprocket and themark on the driven sprocket are aligned withthe marks on the cylinder block and cylinderhead respectively.9. Turn the drive sprocket clockwise 2turns, and then check that the parts arealigned at the areas f and g as shown.10. Install the stator assembly 1 and tightenthe bolts 5 to the specified torque.11. Install the spring washer 6 and Woodruffkey 7, and then install the flywheel mag-net 8.XXXXXXS67C50193XXXXXXS67C50204eS67C5065fgS67C50227 68nn89951k 5hmLT242E