BRKT Bracket unit7-9 67C3K11Disassembling the friction plate1. Remove the tiller handle and frictionplate bolts 1, and then remove the fric-tion plate assembly from the swivelbracket.2. Disassemble the friction plate assembly.NOTE:See the exploded diagram for disassembly(7-8).Assembling the friction plate1. Turn the steering lock shaft 1 until it isflush with the end a of the nut b on thebracket.NOTE:If the steering lock shaft 1 is not aligned withposition c, turn it whichever directionrequires less than 90° d for proper align-ment.2. Assemble the friction plate assembly.NOTE:• See the exploded diagram for assembly (7-8).• Face the “TOP” mark on the steering locklever up.• Be sure to install the collars in the correctpositions; the collar lengths are different.3. Install the friction plate assembly andtiller handle, and then tighten the frictionplate bolts 2 and tiller handle nuts 3 tothe specified torque.4. Move the steering lock lever 4 to posi-tion e, and then tighten the friction plateself-locking nut 5 to the specified torque.S67C70101S67C7011a1a1bbS67C7012d cT R. .Friction plate bolt (M6) 2:8 N·m (0.8 kgf·m, 5.9 ft·lb)Tiller handle nut 3:37 N·m (3.7 kgf·m, 27.3 ft·lb)23S67C7013