67C3K11 5-34123456789b Previous contact width4. Use a 60° cutter to adjust the contactwidth of the bottom edge of the valveseat.b Previous contact width5. Use a 45° cutter to adjust the contactwidth of the valve seat to specification.b Previous contact widthc Specified contact width6. Check the valve seat contact area of thevalve.NOTE:To check the valve seat contact area, see“Checking the valve seat” (5-32).7. If the valve seat contact area is too wideand situated in the center of the valveface, use a 30° cutter to cut the top edgeof the valve seat, and then use a 60° cut-ter to cut the bottom edge to center thearea and set its width.b Previous contact width8. If the valve seat contact area is too nar-row and situated near the top edge of thevalve face, use a 30° cutter to cut the topedge of the valve seat and center thearea, and then use a 45° cutter to set itswidth.b Previous contact widthS6AG5J60J30˚bS6AG5J70J60˚bS6AG5J80J45˚bcS6AG5J30J30˚60˚bS6AG5J40J30˚bCylinder head