POWR Power unit5-47 67C3K113. Install the connecting rod 1 and bear-ings to the crankpin 2.NOTE:Make sure that the projections a on the con-necting rod and connecting rod cap facetowards the flywheel magnet end È of thecrankshaft.4. Tighten the connecting rod cap bolts tothe specified torques in 2 stages.NOTE:Do not turn the connecting rod until thecrankpin oil clearance measurement hasbeen completed.5. Remove the connecting rod cap andmeasure the width of the compressedPlastigauge (PG-1) on the crankpin.Check the connecting rods, bearings,and crankshaft if out of specification andreplace the defective parts.Selecting the connecting rod bearing1. When replacing the connecting rod bear-ing, select the suitable bearing as fol-lows.2. Check the connecting rod mark a orpainted color b on the connecting rod.3. Select the suitable bearing color c forthe connecting rod bearing from thetable.T R. .Connecting rod cap bolt:1st: 6 N·m (0.6 kgf·m, 4.4 ft·lb)2nd: 17 N·m (1.7 kgf·m, 12.5 ft·lb)S67C514021È1 aÈEES6AU5146Crankpin oil clearance (referencedata):0.020–0.052 mm(0.0008–0.0020 in)S6AU5147S67C5171ba