67C3K11 7-381234567893. Push the brushes into the holders, andthen install the armature assembly 8and tighten the armature plate screw 9.4. Install a new O-ring = and the stator Ato the PTT motor base 7, and thentighten the screws B.NOTE:Align the rounded section c of the stator Awith the rounded section d of the PTT motorbase 7.5. Install a new O-ring C, the shaft connec-tor D, the spring E, and the PTT motorassembly F to the gear pump housing,and then tighten the PTT motor assemblybolts G to the specified torque.S67C707389S67C70747ABBc0dT R..PTT motor assembly bolt G:7 N·m (0.7 kgf·m, 5.2 ft·lb)S67C7075FGGGECDGPTT motor