67C3K11 5-50123456789CAUTION:Do not reuse the piston pin clips 4,always replace them with new ones.NOTE:• Before assembly, make sure that the identi-fication numbers a made on the piston andconnecting rod 2 during removal are thesame.• Face the projection b on the connectingrod 2 in the same direction as the “UP”mark c on the piston crown.2. Install the oil ring 5, 2nd ring 6, and topring 7 onto each piston.NOTE:Make sure that the “T” marks d of the 2ndring 6 and the top ring 7 are facing upward.3. Offset the piston ring end gaps asshown.CAUTION:Do not scratch the pistons or break thepiston rings.NOTE:After installing the piston rings, check thatthey move smoothly.4. Install the piston with the “UP” mark onthe piston crown facing towards the fly-wheel magnet.NOTE:Apply engine oil to the side of each pistonand the piston rings before installation.5. Install half of the main bearings 9 intothe cylinder block 0.NOTE:• Install the main bearings 9 in their originalpositions.• Insert the projection e of each bearing intothe slots in the cylinder block 0.S67C51484213a4acbEES67C5149TUP#1,#4#2#5#3 45˚ 45˚TUP#1#2#5 #4#3E567ddPiston slider 8: 90890-06529S67C5151E8UPS67C5173E09eCylinder block