67C3K11 9-4123456789Fuel not supplied Pinched or kinkedfuel hose —Check the fuelhoses and fuel hosejoint.3-3Clogged fuel filter — Replace the fuel fil-ter.3-3Fuel pump malfunc-tion —Disassemble andcheck the fuelpump.4-4Carburetor malfunc-tionMalfunction of thecarburetor internalpartsDisassemble andcheck the carbure-tor.4-12Low compressionpressureValve clearance notadjusted correctly — Adjust the valveclearance.5-2Damaged cylinderhead gasket—Disassemble andcheck the cylinderhead and powerunit.5-295-42Damaged valveValve stuck to valveguideScratched piston orcylinderDamaged or wornpiston ringSymptom 2 Cause 1 Cause 2 Checking stepRefertopageTroubleshooting the outboard motor