67C3K11 4-161234567894. Turn the pilot screw 1 in direction auntil it is lightly seated, and then turn it indirection b the specified number ofturns.È For EuropeÉ For OceaniaNOTE:Adjust the pilot screw setting within the spec-ified number of turns out so that the engineidle speed is stable.5. Turn the throttle stop screw 3 in direc-tion c or d until the specified engineidle speed is obtained.NOTE:• To increase the engine idle speed, turn thethrottle stop screw 3 in direction c.• To decrease the engine idle speed, turn thethrottle stop screw 3 in direction d.6. After adjusting the engine idle speed, revthe engine a few times and let it idle tocheck the stability of the engine.Pilot screw adjusting tool 2 (forEurope): 90890-03154Pilot screw setting:F30A: 1 7/8 ± 1/2 turns outF40B: 2 ± 1/2 turns outS67C403021 abÈS67C40311 abÉEngine idle speed: 850 ± 50 r/minS67C4032d c3Carburetor unit