67C3K11 2-14123456789Power unitItem Unit ModelF30AEHT F30AET F40BWHT F40BETPower unitMinimum compressionpressure (*1)kPa(kgf/cm2 , psi)830 (8.3, 120.4)Oil pressure(*2) kPa(kgf/cm2 , psi)210 (2.1, 30.5) at 52 °C (126 °F) with SL10W-30 engine oil and at engine idle speedCylinder headWarpage limit mm (in) 0.10 (0.0039)(lines indicate straightedgeposition)Cylinder head journal insidediameter (A)mm (in) 37.000–37.025 (1.4567–1.4577)CamshaftIntake andexhaust (A)mm (in) 30.834–31.034 (1.2139–1.2218)Intake andexhaust (B)mm (in) 25.900–26.100 (1.0197–1.0276)Camshaft journal diameter (C) mm (in) 36.925–36.945 (1.4537–1.4545)Camshaft journal diameter (D) mm (in) 36.935–36.955 (1.4541–1.4549)Camshaft runout limit mm (in) 0.03 (0.0012)Rocker arm shaftOutside diameter mm (in) 15.971–15.991 (0.6288–0.6296)(*1) Measuring conditions:Ambient temperature 20 °C (68 °F), wide open throttle, with spark plugs removed from all cylinders.The figures are for reference only.(*2) For details of the checking method, see “Checking the oil pressure” (5-1).The figures are for reference only.AAACDDMaintenance specification