Elimination/ActionDescriptionWarningMake sure that protective gearlike goggles and gloves are al-ways worn.When working with lubricantsthere is a risk of an allergic reac-tion.Allergic reactionOpen the plug carefully and keepaway from the opening. Do notoverfill the gearbox when filling.When opening the oil or greaseplug, there may be pressurepresent in the gearbox, causinglubricant to spray from theopening.Possible pressurebuild-up in gearboxMake sure not to overfill thegearbox when filling it with oil orgrease.Overfilling of gearbox lubricantcan lead to internal over-pres-sure inside the gearbox which inturn may:• damage seals and gas-kets• completely press outseals and gaskets• prevent the robot frommoving freely.Do not overfillAfter filling, verify that the levelis correct.When filling gearbox oil, do notmix different types of oil unlessspecified in the instructions. Al-ways use the type of oil specifiedfor the product.Mixing types of oil may causesevere damage to the gearbox.Do not mix types of oilMake sure that protective gearlike goggles/protective visor,gloves and arm protection arealways worn during this activity.Oil residues might be present ina drained gearbox and spilledwhen separating a motor andgearbox during repair.Put oil absorbent cloth or paperat appropriate locations to catchany oil residues.Oil residuesRun the robot before changingthe gearbox oil, if possible.Warm oil drains quicker thancold oil.Heat up the oilAfter filling, verify that the levelis correct.The specified amount of oil orgrease is based on the totalvolume of the gearbox. Whenchanging the lubricant, theamount refilled may differ fromthe specified amount, dependingon how much has previouslybeen drained from the gearbox.Specified amount de-pends on drainedvolumeContinues on next pageProduct manual - IRB 6720 313HAC085697-001 Revision: C© Copyright 2023 ABB. All rights reserved.1 Safety1.6.1 Safety during maintenance and repairContinued