Removing and lifting away the lower and upper arms un-separated (Step 1)Use this procedure for the first step of removing and lifting away the lower andupper arm un-separated.NoteActionGuide pin, M12x150 / Guide pin, M12x200:3HAC13056-2 / 3HAC13056-3Remove two attachment screws in oppositeholes and replace them with guide pins.TipUse different lengths on the guide pins tosimplify guidance.1Always use guide pins in pairs.xx2000000458TipLubricate the guide pins with some greaseto make the lower arm slide better.xx2000000459Remove all but one of the remaining attach-ment screws that secure the lower arm tothe axis-2 gearbox.2Removing and lifting away the lower and upper arms un-separated (Step 2)Use this procedure for the second step to remove and lift the lower and upper armun-separated.NoteActionxx2300000026Put two foam boards, pallets or similarprotective material on the floor, somewhereclose to the robot.Put one higher foam block as protectionfor the wrist.If needed, move axis-1 into a position thatgives the required space.NoteKeeping the cable harness and DressPackfitted on the robot during gearbox replace-ment is only a recommendation. If it is notpossible to put the lower and upper armclose enough to the robot, the cable har-ness and DressPack in the base and in theframe must be removed first.1Continues on next pageProduct manual - IRB 6720 4953HAC085697-001 Revision: C© Copyright 2023 ABB. All rights reserved.5 Repair5.8.2 Replacing the axis-2 gearboxContinued