Chapter 1414-5814.8 Pickup/Feeding System14.8.1 Orientation of the Deck/Cassette PickupRoller0007-0566iR105i/iR105+ / iR9070The deck/cassette pickup roller may be mounted by reversing the stepsused to remove it; however, keep the following in mind:- The pickup rollers used at the front and the rear of the machine are notinterchangeable.- The collar of the pickup roller used at the front of the machine is gold-colored.When mounting the pickup roller [1] to the pickup assembly, be surethat the round marking [2] found on the side of the roller and the roundmarking [3] on the collar (gold-colored) are toward the front of themachine.F-14-107- The collar of the pickup roller used at the rear is silver-colored. Whenmounting the pickup roller [4] to the pickup assembly, be sure thatthe round marking [5] on the side of the roller and the round marking[6] on the collar (silver-colored) are toward the rear of the machine.F-14-10814.8.2 Orientation of the Deck/Cassette PickupRoller0008-8370/ iR85+ / iR8070Mount the parts by reversing the steps used to remove them with thefollowing in mind:- The front and rear pickup rollers are not interchangeable.- The collar of the front pickup roller is gold-colored.When mounting the pickup roller [1] to the pickup assembly, be surethat the round marking [2] on the side of the roller and the roundmarking [3] on the collar (gold-colored) are toward the front of themachine.F-14-109- The rear pickup roller is silver-colored. When mounting the pickuproller [4] to the pickup assembly, be sure that the round marking [5] onthe side of the roller and the round marking [6] on the collar (silver-colored) are toward the rear of the machine.F-14-11014.8.3 Orientation of the Deck/Cassette SeparationRoller0007-0568iR105i/iR105+When replacing the separation roller, be sure that it is oriented as shownF-14-11114.8.4 Orientation of the Deck/Cassette SeparationRoller0008-8371/ iR85+ / iR8070When replacing the separation roller, be sure it is orientated as follows:F-14-11214.8.5 Orientation of the Feeding Roller of the Deck/Cassette Pickup Assembly0007-0569iR105i/iR105+ / iR9070When mounting the feeding roller assembly to the deck/cassette pickupassembly, be sure that the belt pulley [2] is to the front of the machine.When mounting the feeding roller [3] to the feeding roller shaft [4], besure that the round marking [5] is toward the front of the machine.(direction of rotation)[1] Collar (gold) (front of machine)[2][3](direction of rotation)Collar (silver-colored)(rear of machine)[4][5][6](direction ofrotation)[1] Collar (gold-colored) (front of machine)[2][3](direction ofrotation)Collar (silver-colored) (rear of machine)[4][5][6]Wider notch Narrower notch(front of machine)WidergrooveNarrowergroove(front ofmachine)