Chapter 1616-32[E602-XXYY]T-16-8[HDD formatting]00 05 Symptom absent00 06 The system software of the sub CPU doesnot exist.1. Start up in safe mode, and execute full formatting usingthe SST and re-install the system software (System,Language, RUI); then, turn off and then back on the mainpower.2. If the symptom still exists after the foregoing, suspecta fault on the HDD, and replace the HDD and re-installthe system software once again.00 07 The IC profile does not exist. 1. Start up in safe mode, and execute full formatting usingthe SST and re-install the system software (System,Language, RUI); then, turn off and then on the mainpower.2. If the symptom still exits after the foregoing, suspect afault on the HDD, and replace the HDD and re-install thesystem software.XX YYXX CHK-TYPEPartition inquestionDescription 01 02 03 11, 21 13, 25 10, 12,14, 22,23, 24At startup During routine operationReme-dy Reme-dyReme-dyReme-dy Reme-dy Reme-dy1 1 DOSDEV General datastorage area*1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *122 1 FSTDEV Image datastorage area(e.g., Box)*1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *123 1 DOSDEV2 Imagethumbnaildisplay dataarea (e.g., Box)*1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *124 1 FSTPDEV Image datastorage area(e.g., Box)*1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *125 2 DOSDEV3 General filestorage area(user settings,logs, PDLspool, imagedata controlinfo)*1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *126 3 PDLDEV PDL-relatedfile storagearea (font,registeredform, ICCprofile, colorcorrection infofile for PDLfunction)*1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *127 4 DOSDEV4 Firmwarestorage area(address book,filter)*2 *6 *9 *10 *11 *128 4 BOOTDEV Firmwarestorage area(System,Language,RUI)*3 *8 *9 *10 *11 *129 5 DOSDEV5 For futureexpansion*1 *5 *9 *10 *11 *12FF 0 Not identified Entire HDD(check onfaulty sectorand recovery)*4 *7 *9 *10 *11 *12XX YY Description Remedy