Chapter 1717-152SMTPTXPN Use it to change the number of the SMTP transmission port:20 to 65535 (in increments of 1)Default: 25After a change, be sure to re-boot the machine.SMTPRXPN Use it to change the number of the SMTP reception port.20 to 65535 (in increments of 1)Default: 25After a change, be sure to re-boot the machine.POP3PN Use it to change the number of the P0P3 reception port:20 to 65535 (in increments of 1)Default: 110After a change, be sure to re-boot the machine.RUI-DSP Setting whether to display a copy screen for RUI (Option switch conformingto the Disability Law)20: Do not display [Default]1: DisplayORG-LGL Use it to set the size of a special paper type not recognized by the feeder.20: LEGAL (default)1: FOOLSCAP2: M-OFFICIO3: A-FOOLSCAP4: FORIO5: G-LEGAL6: OFFICIO7: E-OFFICIO8: A-OFFICIO9: B-OFFICIO10: A-LEAGALORG-LTR Use it to set the size of a special paper type not recognized by the feeder.20: LTR (default)1: G_LTR2: EXECTIVE3: K_LGL4: A_LTRUI-BOX Setting whether or not to display the box screen of the operating section20: Do not display1: Display [Default]UI-SEND Setting whether or not to display the send screen of the operating section20: Do not display1: Display [Default]UI-FAX Setting whether or not to display the fax screen of the operating section 2not usedUI-EXT Setting whether or not to display the extended screen of the operating section20: Do not display1: Display [Default]NW-SPEED Selecting the data transfer speed at service network connection20: Auto [Default]1: 100Base-TX2: 100Base-TTRY-CHG Use it to change the control mechanism used to switch over trays when onebecomes full.MEMO:This item is displayed only at the time of Stacker-A1 connection.2STS-PORT Turning the TOT synchronous command communication port ON or OFFThe port for Inquiry/Response (synchronous) command communication inTUIF over TCP/IP is turned ON or OFF. 20: OFF [Default]1: ONCOPIER > OPTION > BODYSub-item Description Level