1-9To do… Use the command… RemarksConfigure the number ofprobes per test count times OptionalBy default, each test makes one probe.Configure a testdescription description stringOptionalBy default, no description information isconfigured.Configure the maximumnumber of history recordsthat can be savedhistory-records number OptionalBy default, the maximum number is 50.Enable history record history-record enable OptionalBy default, history record is not enabled.Configure the retainingtime of history record history keep-time keep-timeOptionalBy default, the retaining time of history recordis 120 minutes.Configure statisticsinterval and the maximumnumber of retainedstatistics informationstatistics { interval interval |max-group number }OptionalBy default, statistics interval is 120 minutesand up to two pieces of statistics informationcan be retained.Configure the retainingtime of statisticsinformationstatistics keep-time keep-timeOptionalBy default, the retaining time of statisticsinformation is 120 minutes.Configure test start timeand lifetimetest-time begin { hh:mm :ss[ yyyy/mm/dd ] | now } lifetimelifetimeOptionalBy default, no test start time and lifetime isconfigured.Enable routing tablebypass sendpacket passroute OptionalBy default, routing table bypass is disabled.Configure the TTL ttl numberOptionalBy default, TTL is 20.The sendpacket passroute command voidsthe ttl command.Configure the automatictest interval frequency intervalOptionalBy default, the automatic test interval is zeroseconds, indicating no automatic test will bemade.Configure the probetimeout time timeout timeOptionalBy default, a probe times out in threeseconds.Configure the type ofservice tos value OptionalBy default, the service type is zero.Configure the type of FTPoperation ftp-operation { get | put }OptionalBy default, the type of FTP operation is get,that is, the FTP operation will get a file fromthe FTP server.Configure an FTP loginusername username nameConfigure an FTP loginpassword password passwordRequiredBy default, neither username nor password isconfigured.