1-20z Perform the above operations on the management device of the cluster.z Configuring the public SNMP information is equal to executing these configurations on both themanagement device and the member devices (refer to the SNMP-RMON Operation part in thismanual), and these configurations will be saved to the configuration files of the managementdevice and the member devices.z The public SNMP configurations cannot be synchronized to the devices that are on the clusterblacklist.z If a member device leaves the cluster, the public SNMP configurations will not be removed.3) Configuration example# Configure the public SNMP information for the cluster on the management device, including thefollowing:z The read community name is read_az The write community name is write_az The group name is group_az The MIB view name is mib_a, which includes all objects of the subtree orgz The SNMPv3 user is user_a, which belongs to the group group_a.# Create a community with the name of read_a, allowing read-only access right using this communityname.[test_0.Sysname-cluster] cluster-snmp-agent community read read_aMember 2 succeeded in the read-community configuration.Member 1 succeeded in the read-community configuration.Finish to synchronize the command.# Create a community with the name of write_a, allowing read and write access right using thiscommunity name.[test_0.Sysname-cluster] cluster-snmp-agent community write write_aMember 2 succeeded in the write-community configuration.Member 1 succeeded in the write-community configuration.Finish to synchronize the command.# Create an SNMP group group_a.[test_0.Sysname-cluster] cluster-snmp-agent group v3 group_aMember 2 succeeded in the group configuration.Member 1 succeeded in the group configuration.Finish to synchronize the command.# Create a MIB view mib_a, which includes all objects of the subtree org.[test_0.Sysname-cluster] cluster-snmp-agent mib-view included mib_a orgMember 2 succeeded in the mib-view configuration.Member 1 succeeded in the mib-view configuration.Finish to synchronize the command.# Add a user user_a to the SNMPv3 group group_a.[test_0.Sysname-cluster] cluster-snmp-agent usm-user v3 user_a group_aMember 2 succeeded in the usm-user configuration.