1-15To do… Use the command… RemarksConfigure the TTL ttl numberOptionalBy default, TTL is 20.The sendpacket passroutecommand voids the ttl command.Configure the automatic testinterval frequency intervalOptionalBy default, the automatic testinterval is zero seconds, indicatingno automatic test will be made.Configure the probe timeout time timeout timeOptionalBy default, a probe times out inthree seconds.Configure the type of service tos value OptionalBy default, the service type is zero.Start the test test-enable RequiredDisplay test results display hwping results[ admin-name operation-tag ]RequiredYou can execute the command inany view.7) Configuring TCP test on HWPing clientFollow these steps to configure TCP test on HWPing client:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enable the HWPing clientfunction hwping-agent enableRequiredBy default, the HWPing client function isdisabled.Create an HWPing testgroup and enter its viewhwping administrator-nameoperation- tagRequiredBy default, no test group is configured.Configure the test type test-type { tcpprivate |tcppublic }RequiredBy default, the test type is ICMP.Configure the destinationaddress destination-ip ip-addressRequiredThis IP address and the one configured onthe HWPing server for listening servicesmust be the same.By default, no destination address isconfigured.Configure the destinationportdestination-portport-numberRequired in a Tcpprivate testA Tcppublic test is a TCP connection test onport 7. Use the hwping-server tcpconnectip-address 7 command on the server toconfigure the listening service port; otherwisethe test will fail. No port number needs to beconfigured on the client; any destination portnumber configured on the client will not takeeffect.By default, no destination port number isconfigured.