1-13To do… Use the command… RemarksConfigure the retaining time ofhistory record history keep-time keep-timeOptionalBy default, the retaining time ofhistory record is 120 minutes.Configure statistics interval and themaximum number of retainedstatistics informationstatistics { interval interval |max-group number }OptionalBy default, statistics interval is 120minutes and up to two pieces ofstatistics information can beretained.Configure the retaining time ofstatistics information statistics keep-time keep-timeOptionalBy default, the retaining time ofstatistics information is 120minutes.Configure test start time andlifetimetest-time begin { hh:mm :ss[ yyyy/mm/dd ] | now } lifetimelifetimeOptionalBy default, no test start time andlifetime is configured.Enable routing table bypass sendpacket passrouteOptionalBy default, routing table bypass isdisabled.Configure the TTL ttl numberOptionalBy default, TTL is 20.The sendpacket passroutecommand voids the ttl command.Configure the automatic testinterval frequency intervalOptionalBy default, the automatic testinterval is zero seconds, indicatingno automatic test will be made.Configure the probe timeout time timeout timeOptionalBy default, a probe times out inthree seconds.Configure the type of service tos value OptionalBy default, the service type is zero.Configure the number of testpackets that will be sent in eachjitter probejitter-packetnum numberOptionalBy default, each jitter probe willsend 10 packets.Configure the interval to send testpackets in the jitter test jitter-interval intervalOptionalBy default, the interval is 20milliseconds.Configure advantage factor for ajitter voice test adv-factor adv-number By default, the advantage factor iszero.Start the test test-enable RequiredDisplay test results display hwping results[ admin-name operation-tag ]RequiredYou can execute the command inany view.6) Configuring SNMP test on HWPing clientFollow these steps to configure SNMP test on HWPing client: