1-4In case IRF automatic fabric is enabled on both a switch in the fabric and a switch to be added to thefabric (referred to as candidate switch hereinafter), even if the software version of the candidate switchis inconsistent with that used on the device in the fabric, you can still add a device to the fabric byautomatic downloading and loading of the software.IRF fabric detectionForming a fabric requires a high consistency of connection modes between the devices and deviceinformation. Without all the requirements for forming a fabric being met, a fabric cannot be formed.The FTM program detects the necessary conditions for forming a fabric one by one and displays thedetection results. You can use the display ftm information command to view the detection informationfor the fabric, checking the running status of the fabric or analyzing the problems. Table 1-1 lists thestatus and solution of the problems.Table 1-1 Status and solutionStatus Analysis Solutionnormaltemporaryredundance port—These three kinds ofinformation do not mean adevice or a fabric operatesimproperly. No measure isneeded for any of them.Two fabric ports of the same device(that is, the UP port and the DOWNport) are connected.Pull out one end of the cableand connect it to a fabric port ofanother switch.The UP and DOWN fabric ports ofthe devices are not connected in acrossed way.Connect the UP and DOWNports of two devices in acrossed way.connection errorIndicatesthree kinds ofportmatchingerrors mayoccur. A fabric port of the local switch isconnected to a fabric port that doesnot have fabric port functionenabled.Make sure that the fabric portson both sides are enabled withthe fabric port function.reached max unitsThe maximum number of units allowed by thecurrent fabric is reached. You will fail to add newdevices to the fabric in this case.Remove the new device orexisting devices in the fabric.different system nameThe fabric name of the device directly connected tothe switch and the existing fabric name of the fabricare not the same.Modify the fabric name of thenew device to be that of thefabric.different productversionThe software version of the directly connecteddevice and that of the current device are not thesame.Update the software version tomake sure the softwareversion of the new device is thesame as that of the fabric.IRF automatic fabricIf the software version and fabric name of the candidate switch are inconsistent with those of the devicein the IRF fabric, the local device cannot be added to the fabric. In this case, you have to manuallydownload and load the software, and then restart the device, or manually change the fabric name to addthe device to the fabric. H3C S5600 series switches provide the IRF automatic fabric function, which