1-10View Availableoperation Prompt example Enter method Quit methodFTP client view Configure FTPclient parameters [ftp]Execute the ftpcommand in userview.SFTP client view Configure SFTPclient parameters sftp-client>Execute the sftpcommand in systemview.MST region view Configure MSTregion parameters[Sysname-mst-region]Execute the stpregion-configuration command in systemview.Cluster view Configure clusterparameters [Sysname-cluster]Execute the clustercommand in systemview.Configure the RSApublic key for SSHusers[Sysname-rsa-public-key]Execute the rsapeer-public-keycommand in systemview.Public key viewConfigure the RSAor DSA public keyfor SSH users[Sysname-peer-public-key]Execute thepublic-key peercommand in systemview.Execute thepeer-public-keyend command toreturn to systemview.Edit the RSA publickey for SSH users[Sysname-rsa-key-code]Public key editingview Edit the RSA orDSA public key forSSH users[Sysname-peer-key-code]Execute thepublic-key-codebegin command inpublic key view.Execute thepublic-key-codeend command toreturn to publickey view.DHCP addresspool viewConfigure DHCPaddress poolparameters[Sysname-dhcp-pool-a123]Execute the dhcpserver ip-poolcommand in systemview.Execute the quitcommand toreturn to systemview.Execute thereturn commandto return to userview.PIM view Configure PIMparameters [Sysname-pim]Execute the pimcommand in systemview.If multicast routing isnot enabled, youshould first executethe multicastrouting-enablecommand.RIP view Configure RIPprotocol parameters [Sysname-rip]Execute the ripcommand in systemview.OSPF view Configure OSPFprotocol parameters [Sysname-ospf-1]Execute the ospfcommand in systemview.Execute thereturn commandto return to userview.