1-3FEATURESEco indicatorThis indicator comes on when the vehicle is be-ing operated in an environmentally friendly, fuel-efficient manner. The indicator goes off whenthe vehicle is stopped.TIPConsider the following tips to reduce fuel con-sumption:• Avoid high engine speeds during acceleration.• Travel at a constant speed.Drive mode displayThis display indicates which drive mode hasbeen selected: “S” sporty or “T” touring.V-belt replacement indicatorThis indicator flashes every 20000 km (12500mi) when the V-belt needs to be replaced.After changing the V-belt, reset the V-belt re-placement indicator.TIPIf the V-belt is changed before the V-belt re-placement indicator flashes, the indicator mustbe reset in order for the next periodic V-beltchange to be indicated at the correct time.Oil change indicatorThis indicator flashes at the initial 1000 km (600mi), then at 5000 km (3000 mi) and every 5000km (3000 mi) thereafter to indicate that the en-gine oil should be changed.After changing the engine oil, reset the oilchange indicator.TIPIf the engine oil is changed before the oil changeindicator flashes, the indicator must be reset inorder for the next periodic oil change to be indi-cated at the correct time.Grip warmer/Seat heater iconsEach icon will appear when the grip warmer orseat heater is in use.1. Eco indicator “ECO”1. Drive mode display1. V-belt replacement indicator “V-Belt”1111. Oil change indicator “Oil”1. Grip warmer/Seat heater icons11