5-11ENGINE REMOVALEAS30251INSTALLING THE ENGINE1. Install:• All removed partsTIP• Apply locking agent (LOCTITE®) to enginemounting bolt (front upper side) “1”, enginemounting bolt (front right lower side) “2”, en-gine mounting bolts (front left lower side) “3”,and rear frame bolts “5”.• For installation, reverse the removal proce-dure.• Do not fully tighten the bolts and nuts.2. Tighten:• Engine mounting bolts (front upper side) “1”• Engine mounting bolt (front right lower side)“2”• Engine mounting bolts (front left lower side)“3”• Engine mounting nut (rear side) “4”• Rear frame bolts “5”TIPWhen tightening the engine mounting nuts andengine mounting bolts, do not apply an upwardload to the frame, such as supporting the areaaround steering head of the frame upwards. Al-so, do not apply an upward or downward load onthe rear frame, such as supporting the rear endof the rear frame upwards or pushing it down-wards.Engine mounting bolt(front upper side)77 N·m (7.7 kgf·m, 57 lb·ft)LOCTITE®Engine mounting bolt (front rightlower side)70 N·m (7.0 kgf·m, 52 lb·ft)LOCTITE®Engine mounting bolt (front leftlower side)78 N·m (7.8 kgf·m, 58 lb·ft)LOCTITE®Engine mounting nut (rear side)105 N·m (10.5 kgf·m, 77 lb·ft)Rear frame bolt83 N·m (8.3 kgf·m, 61 lb·ft)LOCTITE®T R..1123455