5-17CAMSHAFTSc. Push the timing chain tensioner rod “c”.d. If the circlip does not unlock even thoughyou press the timing chain tensioner rod inthe “c” direction, rotate the timing chain ten-sioner rod clockwise.e. Make sure that the timing chain tensionerrod comes out “d” of the timing chain ten-sioner housing smoothly. If there is roughmovement, replace the timing chain ten-sioner.EAS30269INSTALLING THE CAMSHAFTS1. Install:• Exhaust camshaft• Intake camshafta. Turn the crankshaft clockwise.b. When piston #1 is at TDC on the compres-sion stroke, align the “I” mark “a” on thegenerator rotor with the stationary pointer“b” on the generator cover.c. Install the timing chain onto both camshaftsprockets, and then install the camshaftsonto the cylinder head.TIP• Lubricate the camshaft journal with the molyb-denum disulfide oil.• When installing the timing chain, start with theexhaust camshaft and be sure to keep the tim-ing chain as tight as possible on the exhaustside.• The camshafts should be installed onto the cyl-inder head so that the alignment marks “c” onthe intake camshaft sprocket and the align-ment marks “d” on the exhaust camshaftsprocket align with the cylinder head matingsurface, as shown in the illustration.NOTICEECA13740Do not turn the crankshaft when installingthe camshaft(s) to avoid damage or impropervalve timing.2. Install:• Dowel pin• Exhaust camshaft cap “1”• Intake camshaft cap “2”54cdba