2-24CABLE ROUTING1. Centerstand lock solenoid lead2. Sidestand switch3. Starter motor lead4. Footboard5. Joint coupler lead6. Wire harness (seat/fuel lid lock solenoidlead)7. Rear frame8. Wire harness9. AC magneto lead10. Centerstand lock solenoid cover11. Sidestand switch leadA. Install the wire harness clamp into the holeon the fuel tank bracket.B. Install the plastic locking tie so that thecenterstand lock solenoid lead does not goslack in the space between the center-stand lock solenoid coupler and the guideof the generator cover protector.C. Install the plastic locking tie within thisrange.D. Make sure that the centerstand lock sole-noid lead does not slacken in this range.E. Install the centerstand lock solenoid lead tothe rib of the generator cover protector.(3 locations)F. Anti-theft alarm coupler (no connection)G. Install the clamp of the sidestand switchlead to the bracket.H. Fasten the wire harness to the footboardwith the plastic locking tie. Position theplastic locking tie within the range shown inthe illustration. Point the end of the plasticlocking tie rearward and place it inside ofthe footboard.I. Assemble the wire harness clamp to theround area of the rib.J. Install the plastic locking tie between thewire harness clamp and the centerstandlock solenoid coupler. Make sure the plas-tic locking tie does not come into contactwith the bare wire. The end of the plasticlocking tie should face downward withoutbeing cut.K. Fasten the white tape section of the startermotor lead with the plastic locking tie.L. The end of the plastic locking tie shouldface the inside without being cut.M. Fasten the white tape section of the ACmagneto lead with the plastic locking tie.The plastic locking tie should face outsidewith the end cut.N. Connect the fuel pump coupler securely tothe fuel pump.O. Route the seat/fuel lid lock solenoid leadthrough the rib portion of the filler cover.P. Route the centerstand lock solenoid leadthrough the notch section of the center-stand lock solenoid cover.Q. Fasten the sidestand switch lead to thefootboard with the plastic locking tie. Pointthe end of the plastic locking tie rearwardand place it inside of the footboard.R. Install the wire harness clamp into the holein the rear frame.