99Cont rol indica tor v for airb ag systemsThe front airbag system , the side airbagsystem 3 and the head a irb ag system 3are electronically monitored together withthe seat occupancy recognition system 3and the belt tensioners, and the operationthereof is indicated by the control indicatorv on the instrument panel. When theignition is switched on, the controlindicators illum ina te for approx. 4 seconds.If they do not illuminate, or they do not g ooff within 4 sec onds, or illuminate whilstdriving, there is a fault in the airbagsystems, the seat occupancy recognitionsystem 3 or the b elt tensioners – see alsopage 91. The system s m ay not activa te ifan accid ent occurs.The system’s integ ra ted self-diagnosticsallow s faults to be quickly remedied. haveCar Pass on ha nd when consulting aVauxhall App rov ed R epairer.The control indica tors can a lso be locatedin the tachometer display dial – seepage 36.Seat occupancy recogniti on 3The seat occupancy recognition systemdeactivates the front a nd side airbag s forthe front passenger if the front passengerseat is not occupied or a Vauxhall childrestraint system w ith transponders 3 isfitted on the front passenger seat. Thehea d airbag system 3 remains activated.The control indicator for seat occupancyrecognition is located in the instrumentpanel. If this control indicator lights up forapp rox . 4 seconds after the ignition isswitched on, the vehicle is equip ped withseat oc cup anc y recog nition – seepag e 101, Fig. 13068 J .This control indicator lights up perm a-nently after the ignition is switc hed onwhen a Vaux hall child restraint sy stem w ithtransponders 3 is fitted a s soon as thesystem ha s d etec ted the seat. O nly thencan the child restraint sy stem be trans-ported on the front passeng er seat.Hav e the cause of the fa ult remedied.We recommend that you consult aVauxhall Approved Repairer.