281Inform ation on AC EA oil gradecla ssific ationThe Association d es ConstructeursEuropéens d’Automobiles classifies engineoils according to their perform anc e(quality).Ea ch class is identified by letters andnumbers, e.g. A3:The letter indicates the field of application:A = Petrol eng ines in passenger carsB = Diesel engines in passenger carsE = Diesel engines in trucksThe number indicates the quality inascending numeric al order.Im portant noteIf the aforementioned oils (GM-LL-, ACEAA3/B3) are not a vailable in your country,see more detailed inform ation in theService Booklet.Informat ion on SAE oil vi sc osit yEngine a nd transmission oils are groupedin SAE classes b y the S oc iety of AutomotiveEngineers b ased on their v iscosity.Viscosity is the measure of interna l frictionof the oil in flux , dependent on itstemperature.The SAE classification does not provideinformation on the quality of the oil; itmerely indicates the range of applicationof the oil dependent on the outsidetemperature – see diagram.The first number indicates v iscosity at lowtemperatures (cold sta rt behaviour). Thesecond num ber indicates visc osity a t hig htemperatures.I = O nly approved and recommendedLong -Life engine oils with theidentification GM-LL-A-025or GM-LL-B -025 – see page 279.I I = O nly if the higher quality I isunavailablemay engine oils of ACEAoil qualitybe used in this case the oilchange interval is reduced to20, 000 miles (30, 000 km) or 1 y ear –see page 280.