40Operating the graphical informationdisplay 3 or the colour informationdisplay 3The functions are activated using thebuttons on the wiper stalk or using themulti-function button in vehicles with radiotelephone 3 or infotainment system 3.If chec k control issues a warning message,the display is blocked from other func tions.Acknowled ge the message with button §on the wip er stalk 3 or by p ressing themultifunction button. If there are severa lfault warnings, ack nowledge them one a t atime.The trip computer functions are a ctiv atedusing the menus on the display a nd thebuttons on the wiper stalk 3 or via thera dio telephone 3 or infotainm entsy stem 3.Ac tiv ation using buttons on wiper stalk:The individual menu items are selec tedusing the h a nd i buttons and selectedby pressing the § button. To activa te thetrip computer, press the § button.Ac tiv ation using multi-function button: theindiv idua l menu items are selected byrotating and selected b y pressing. Press BCbutton on system to activate the tripcomputer.System settingsThe figures show execution with the colourinform ation display .In the trip computer settings menu, selectSystem Setti ngs.O n vehicles without trip comp uter, pressbutton § on the wiper stalk 3.The sy stem settings menu will b edisplayed.