284Pe rform ance (approx. mph; k m/h) ,Saloon/HatchEng ine 1 )1) Sa les desig nation – see pa ges 282, 283.Z 18 XE Z 18 XEL Z 20 NET Z 22 SEMax imum speed 2)Manual tra nsmissionSport transmissionAutomatic transmissionCVTronic2) The ma xim um s peed is a ch ieva ble with a m aximum of h alf p ayloa d. Optiona l eq uipm ent m ay reduce th e specified m aximum speed of the vehicle.203; 126205; 127–190; 118196;122198;123–––3 )––3) No va lu es were availab le w hen this ma nua l w ent to p res s.216; 137–210; 130–Eng ine 1) Z 32 SE Y 20 DTH Y 22 DTRMax imum speed 2)Manual tra nsmissionSport transmissionAutomatic transmissionCVTronic248; 154–246; 153–192;119–––202 4 ) /206;125/128–202;125–4) Co untry-specific versio n.