141Child restraint sys tem :Vauxhall child s afety seat 3 ,weight range III:22 kg to 36 kgMay be fitted on rea r seat or frontpassenger’s sea t. If it is to be fitted on thefront passenger’s seat, m ove the latter asfar back as it will go.The safety seat for weight range I II is a lsoava ilab le as a separate sy stem. S ee thirdcolumn for details on its use.To change from w eig ht range I or II t oweight ra ng e I IIRemove safety seat b y reversing seq uenceof op erations for fitting weig ht ra nges Iand II.Detach both belt ends from the metal clipat rear of c hild safety seat backrest andremove belt.Use a screw driver to unscrew the outerscrews connecting the sa fety seat backrestand cushion. Remove stud bolts from sea tcushion, working from the inside. Separatesafety seat backrest from cushion.Keep a ll parts in a safe place.Fastening the child ’s seat bel tPlace the sea t cushion on one of the rearseats or on the front passenger’ s sea t,facing the direction of travel only . In thelatter case, move front pa ssenger’s seat asfar ba ck as it will go.Place child on seat cushion.Insert latch p la te of vehicle sea t belt inbuckle.The lap belt must pass through the twoguides on the seat cushion.On vehicles w ith side airbag s 3 , no childrestraint system may be fitted on thefront passenger’ s sea t; risk of fatalinjury.The seat b elt must pass over the child’sshoulder, never over the neck or upperarm. Adjust upper anc horage point ofvehicle seat belt accordingly. Heig htadjustment – see pag e 92.