157Ve ntilationz For max imum ventilation in head area:set air distribution switch to M and openall vents.z Air flow to rear sea ts: direct centre ventsslightly towards each other and slightlyupw ards.z For ventila tion to foot well: Set airdistribution switch to K .z For simultaneous ventilation to the hea darea and the foot well: set air distributionswitch to L .z Set the tem perature to the desiredsetting.z Set the fan to the d esired setting.He atingThe amount of heat is dependent on theengine temperature and is thus not fullyattained until the engine is warm.For rapid warming of the p assengercompartment:z Set the air distribution sw itch to thedesired position – see page 154.z Turn temperature switch clockwise.z Set the fan to speed 3.The comfort and general well-b eing of thevehicle occupants a re to a large extentdependent on a suitable ventilation andheating setting.To obtain a stratification of temperature inthe vehicle with the pleasant effect "coolhead a nd warm feet", set the airdistribution switch to K or L and thetemperature switch to the m id position,and open the centre air vents.Heating the foot wellThere a re also heating ducts leading to therear foot well 3 .z Set air distribution switch to K.z Turn tempera ture switc h clockwise.z Switch on fan.