24Service work,Mainte nanceWe recomm end tha t you entrust all w ork toa Vauxhall Authorised Repa irer, who ca nprovide you with relia ble serv ice andcorrectly perform all work according tofactory instructions.6 If you have a problem – see page 260,service interval display – see pa ge 262.Ge nuine Vauxhall Parts andAccessoriesWe rec om mend that you use "GenuineVauxhall Parts and Accessories" a ndconv ersion p arts released ex pressly foryour vehicle type. These parts ha veundergone spec ia l tests to establish theirreliability, safety a nd specific suitability forVauxhall v ehicles. Despite continuousmarket monitoring, we ca nnot assess orguarantee these attributes for otherprod uc ts, even if they hav e b een grantedapproval by the releva nt authorities or insome other form."Genuine Vaux hall Parts a nd Accessories"and c onversion pa rts app rov ed b yVauxhall can be obtained from a VauxhallAuthorised Repa irer, of course. H ere youwill also be given comprehensive adv iceabout permitted technical changes andcorrec t installation will take place.For your safe tyCarry out regularly the checksrecommended in the individual sectionsof this O wner’s Manual.Ensure that your vehicle is serv iced at theservice intervals sp ecified in the ServiceBook let. We recommend that you entrustthis work to a Va ux hall AuthorisedRepairer.Have faults remedied w ithout delay!Consult a work shop. We recom mend aVauxhall Authorised Repairer. Ifnecessary, interrupt your journey .6 Maintenance – see p age 262.