230Starting on inclinesVehicles with ma nual transmission:The m ost favourable engine sp eed whenstarting off on an incline is b etween 2500and 3000 rpm for p etrol engines a ndbetween 2000 and 2200 rpm for dieselengines. Hold engine rpm c onstant,enga ge c lutch grad ually (let slip), releasebrake and open throttle. If possib le, theengine sp eed should not drop d uring thisproced ure.In vehicles with autom atic transmission 3or CVTronic 3 , use full throttle.Before starting off under extremeconditions (high c om bination w eight,mountainous terrain with steep inc lines),switch off all unnecessary elec trica l loa ds(e.g. heated rear wind ow , air conditioningsy stem 3, heated seats 3).