127Child restraint sys tem ,Top Safe child safety s eatwithout ISO-FIX brackets,with transpondersModular sy stem for various weight ranges:z Weight range 0 with ca rry ing cradle 1 ):From birth to weight of 6 kg. Alwa ysinstall facing awa y from direction oftrav el.z Weight range 0+ : From birth to a weightof 13 kg. Always install facing away fromdirection of trav el.z Weight range I: For w eight of 9 kg to18 kg. Alwa ys install facing direction oftravel.1) Weig ht cla ss 0 is d efined up to 10 kg, bu t onlyup to 6 kg in com bina tion w ith the carryingcrad le.Child res traint sys te m,Top Safewithout ISO-FIX se curing,we ight range 0 with carryingcradle 32):from birth to 6 kgFit to rear seat or passenger seat facingawa y from direction of trav el with v ehiclesafety belt.2) Weig ht class 0 is defined up to 10 kg, bu t on lyup to 6 kg in com bina tion w ith the carryingcrad le.Do not fit a child restraint system on thefront passenger seat if the vehicle isequipped with front passeng er airbag 3or side airbags 3 , but does not hav e seatoccupancy recognition 3 . Otherwise,there is a risk of fatal injury.