156Centre air ve ntsPleasant ventilation to head area withunheated or slightly warmed air,depending on the position of thetem perature switch.O pen both vents: Turn ad juster w heelupwards; the airflow can be directed asdesired by adjusting the horizontal andvertic al adjustm ent wheels.To close the vents turn the adjustmentwheel fully downwards.To increase the air supply, set the fan to ahigher speed a nd set the a ir distributionswitch to M.Side air vents 1Unheated or heated air can be led into thevehicle through the nozz les.To op en air v ents: Turn v ertical ad justerwheel up wards. The a irflow ca n bedirected as desired by adjusting thehorizontal and vertic al adjustment w heels.To close the v ents turn the adjustmentwheel fully downwards.To increase the air supply , set the fan to ahigher sp eed and set the air distributionswitch to M.Windscre en defroster nozzles 2Air distribution switch to l or J:Air flows onto windsc reen a nd sidewind ow s.Rear air vents 3Unheated or heated air will be directed onto the rear sea ts.The airflow can be adjusted using theadjuster wheel. Turn adjuster wheelupwards: Vents will be fully opened.To close the vents turn the verticaladjustment wheel fully d ow nwa rd s.The airflow can be directed as desired bytilting and swivelling the slats.To increase the air supply, set the fan to ahigher speed and set the air distributionswitch to M.