42Adj ust contrastIn the System Set tings menu, select itemCont rast.The c ontrast menu w ill be d isplay ed.Confirm the required setting.Set displa y m odeThe display can b e adjusted to suit the lightconditions, b la ck or coloured text on a lightbackground or white or coloured text on adark bac kground.In the System Setti ngs menu, select itemAutomat ic, Day or Nig ht.Automat ic: Adjustment depending onvehicle lighting.Da y: Black or coloured text on lightbackground.Night: White or coloured text on darkbackground.Setting date and timeIn system s w ith a GPS receiver 1)(Infotainm ent system 3, radio telephonewith GPS m od ule 3) the tim e and da te areautomatically set when a GPS satellitesignal is received . If the displa yed timedoes not ma tc h the local tim e, the time canbe corrected by making manual entries insteps of 30 minutes or autom atically byreceiving a n RDS time signa l 2) 3 .In rad ios without a GPS receiv er, the timeand d ate c an be adjusted manually orautomatically using the RDS time signal 3.The autom atic setting is ind ic ated b y Ö inthe display .1) GPS = Glob al Position in g System,Satellite system for world -wide p osition in g.2) RDS = R a dio Da ta System.