151Sun roof 3The electric sun roof can be operatedz with ig nition on,z within 10 minutes of switching ignitionoff,z within 10 minutes of opening or closingthe driver’s door,z within 10 minutes of inserting orremoving the ignition k ey.Readiness for operation stops when thevehic le is locked.Operated using the rotary switch b etweenthe sun v isors.To op en:Turn the rotary switc h to any positionbetween d and ü . The sun roof willautom atic ally m ov e to the d esired position.When the switch is in position ü, the sunroof is fully opened.Comfort positionSet rotary sw itc h to position f. With theroof in this position, wind noise is reduced.To close:Turn rotary switch to d.To rai seTurn the rotary switch to any positionbetween d and e. The sun roof willautomatically move to the desired position.When the switch is in position e, the sunroof is fully raised.To low erTurn rota ry switch to d.Position m em oryAfter the ig nition has b een switc hed on, thesun roof ca n be a utomatica lly returned toits last position by briefly p ressing therotary switch.