50Radio 3The rad io is operated as described in theopera ting instruc tions supp lied.The d isplay for the radio ap pears on theinform ation d isplay .Ca r radio reception differs from domesticradio reception:As the vehicle a erial is relatively near theground , the broa dcasting com paniescannot guarantee the same quality ofreception as is ob tained with a domesticradio using an overhead aerial.z C hanges in distance from thetransm itter,z multi-path rec eption due to reflectionandz sha dowingmay c ause hissing , noise, distortion or lossof reception a ltogether.Infotainment system 3The infotainment sy stem is opera ted asdescribed in the operating instructionssupplied.Depend ing on the version, theinfotainment system contains telematics(telephone).Electronic data acquisition in tollsys tem s 3O n vehicles with heat-reflectingwindscreens1 ) 3, m ount the c hipca rd 3 forelectronic data a cquisition and billing inthe black shaded zone of the windsc reenon the left or the right behind the interiorrear-view mirror, see illustration. If thechipcard is m ounted outside this z one,ma lfunctions m ay occur in dataacq uisition.1) So la r Reflect.