266Diese l fue l filterCheck fuel filter for a ny w ater residue wheneach engine oil cha ng e tak es place. Werecom mend that y ou consult a VauxhallAuthorised Repairer.Hav e filter checked at shorter intervals inthe c ase of ex treme opera ting conditionssuc h a s high humidity (prima rily in coastalareas), extremely high or low outsidetem peratures and substantially varyingday tim e a nd nig ht-time tem peratures.CoolantDuring operation the system is pressurised.The temp erature ma y therefore rise brieflyto ov er 100 °C.The glycol-ba sed coolant providesexc ellent corrosion protection for theheating and cooling systems as well asanti-freeze protection down to – 28 °C . Itremains in the cooling system throughoutthe year and need not b e changed.Certain a ntifreeze can lea d to enginedamage. We therefore stronglyrecommend the use of antifreeze that hasbeen approved by Vaux hall.Anti -freeze a nd corrosion prot ect ionBefore the sta rt of the cold weather season,have the coolant checked for correctconcentration. We recommend that youconsult a Vaux ha ll Authorised Repairer.The amount of a ntifreeze must provideprotec tion up to approx. – 28 °C . If theantifreeze concentra tion is too low, thisreduc es protection from freezing andcorrosion. Top up antifreeze if necessary .If c oolant loss is topped up with wa ter,have concentration checked and a dd anti-freeze if necessary.Anti-freeze is a da nger to health; it musttherefore be kept in the originalcontainer and out of the reach ofchildren.